Mechanics & Applied Technology & Research for Innovative Structures
MATRiS Structural Health Monitoring is a engineering service of MATRiSEB Engineering and Consultancy. MATRiS Structural Health Monitoring is powered by MATRiSEB specialists’ over 15 years Earthquake Engineering and Structural Health Monitoring research and application experience and world leader sensor technology expert OSMOS Group. MATRiS Structural Health Monitoring provides high technology structural safety assessment service for buildings, industrial facilities and infrastructure networks around Turkey.
MATRiS Structural Health Monitoring provides innovative engineering solutions with an emphasis on quality and integrity and commitment to the engineering principles. We thrive to be in the fore-front of advanced research and technology and actively contribute enhancement of our profession.
MATRiS Structural Health Monitoring aims to become the leading provider of professional engineering services in the field of structural health monitoring and to earn the trust of its clients and the respect of its peers.
Meet our experienced and competent Structural Health Monitoring experts!
Dr. Yalçın Bulut | General Director
Dr. Bulut is Structural and Seismic Specialty Engineer with over fifteen years of experience in performing structural analysis and design for various types of structures including power generation facilities (hydroelectric dams, wind turbines and nuclear power plants), buildings, towers. Dr. Bulut is specialized on inverse problems of solid mechanics and control theory which are often encountered in structural health monitoring (SHM) of aerospace, civil and automotive engineering applications. He completed his doctoral studies at Northeastern University in Boston with Prof. Dennis Bernal. In his doctoral dissertation work he focused on detection and parameter estimation problems and addressed the issues that arise in SHM applications where Kalman filter theory is used to offer solutions such as noise covariance estimation and damage detection by fictive parameter updating. His expertise in which solving the inverse problems are crucial include system identification, state estimation, model updating and damage detection. He has over five years of interdisciplinary research experience in the fields of experimental mechanics, structural health monitoring, model based damage identification, system identification and vibration control. He has been involved in various research projects in the SHM field that are funded by US NSF and TUBITAK. He has worked closely with US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and US Department of Energy (DOE) standards for nuclear facilities, including NUREG 0800, NRC Regulatory Guides, ASCE 4, ASCE 43, ACI 349, ACI 318.
Barış Ünal | Technical Manager
Barış Ünal is a Structural Engineering Analyst with experience on analysis of nuclear power plant structures, seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI) and structural health monitoring (SHM) software solutions. Barış Ünal holds M.S. degree in Earthquake Engineering and B.S degree in Civil Engineering from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. His research area is disaster risk management focused on earthquake disasters and pre-disaster phase of management. His research experience includes ground motion simulations, engineering seismology, seismic risk assessment and catastrophe insurance valuation. He has worked on stochastic earthquake simulation for Bursa Region in his Masters studies. His PhD topic is optimization of seismic vulnerability and risk assessment methods. He has experience on performing nuclear facility walkdown, evaluating probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, site response analyses, soil-structure interaction analyses and conformity of the related documentation with the international nuclear industry standards and regulations.
Prof. Dionisio Bernal | Technical Consultant
Dionisio Bernal is a Professor of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and a member of the Center for Digital Signal Processing at Northeastern University in Boston. He is the recipient of the Moisseiff Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for his work in dynamic instability of buildings subjected to earthquakes and of the Hayes and Martin Essigmann Awards from Northeastern University for excellence in Teaching and Research. He is an honorary professor of the Institute of Technology of the Dominican Republic, is an international faculty at the Harbin Institute of Technology (China) and is past chair of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Structural Health Monitoring Task Group. His research is in the areas of earthquake engineering and systems theory and, in particular, on analytical techniques for damage characterization from vibration measurements. The well-known Damage Locating Vector (DLV) approach is one of his contributions. He teaches courses in Structural Dynamics and System Identification and is co-author of a McGraw-Hill textbook on reinforced concrete design.
Dr. Ömer F. Usluoğulları | Technical Consultant
Dr. Ömer F. Usluoğulları is a Geotechnical Consultant with over sixteen years of experience in performing geotechnical analysis and design for various types of projects including landslide rehabilitation, deep and shallow foundations, slope stability analysis, retaining walls, and shallow tunnels. Important focus area of Dr. Usluoğulları is Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring. Dr. Usluoğulları has over ten years of interdisciplinary research experience in the fields of monitoring and analyzing; structural and soil deformations, stresses around soil layers, settlements, Pre- and post-construction condition, loads applied to structural elements. Inclinometers, optical survey methods, strain gauges, load cells and similar instruments are in the expert field of Dr. Usluoğullari. Besides field instrumentation He is also very skilled in modeling and analyzing complicated soil behaviors and dynamic characterization of soil using 2D/3D finite element analysis.
Özgür ARDA | Business Development Consultant
After graduating from METU Geological Engineering Department in 2000, Özgür Arda completed his MBA degree at Başkent University. After performing in business development and senior management positions in public universities, non-governmental organizations, and Turkey's leading private sector companies, he provides industry-independent consulting since 2018. He is involved in different managerial positions, while continuing to mentoring. Özgür Arda is also the founder of the Sales and Business Development Association and is the chairman of the board of directors.
OSMOS | Structural Health Monitoring
Created in 2001, OSMOS offers to its customers a real-time and continuous structure monitoring solution, ensuring peace of mind on structure control & safety, and maintenance budget optimization, thanks to a turnkey solution at the cutting edge of optical fiber technology, named Optical Strand. OSMOS provides key information on the stability and the overall behavior of structural asset so the decision maker can make on the operability, availability and maintainability of the asset. In order to detect change(s) in the structure, such as deformation, OSMOS install various types of sensors, mainly Optical Strands (proprietary technology) composed of braided fiber optics, which, under strain such as compression or tension, induce micro-curvatures that are then converted into deformation measurements. The numerical signals and data can be obtained through wired systems (OSMOS Expert Data Acquisition System) and/or wireless system (LIRIS) and are converted into information using advanced hardware, software and innovative mathematical and statistical algorithms.
SANLIEN | Sensor Technologies
Sanlien was established in 1967. Sanlien has been the vanguard to support the building of Taiwan though engineering instrumentation. Sanlien handles responsibility in providing safety and accurate measurement in every civil projects. Engineering solutions include EEWS(Earthquake Early Warning System), Integration of sensors, Industrial automation and graphic equipment, Pile Loading Test, Geotechnical automatic monitoring system, Structural monitoring , Landslide monitoring, Weather monitoring system and services related to high quality measurements. Sanlien provided instrumentation and monitoring systems for many essential and important civil construction projects in Taiwan. Sanlien was involved in Taipei 101, Taipei Subway Network, Shihmen and Feitsui Dams, China Petroleum Corporation Oil Refinery.
SIAP+MICROS | Environmental Monitoring Systems
SIAP+MICROS S.r.l. was established in 2003 from the merge of SIAP Bologna (Bologna - Italy) and of MICROS, (San Fior – Italy), two leading Companies in the environmental monitoring system’s market. SIAP has been producing instruments for meteorology since 1925. In such a long time span, SIAP equipment have been installed almost worldwide, as result of well proven quality and reliability. MICROS has been active since 1976 in the designing and manufacturing of data acquisition and remote measurement and control for environmental and industrial applications. The advanced design and manufacturing flexibility made MICROS a safe referral in the measurement and data acquisition industry.