About Us
Discover Innovative, Advanced and Customized Structural Health Monitoring Solutions
We provide specialized solutions for your real time structural monitoring needs for buildings, industrial facilities, power plants and infrastructure using our high technology sensors and advanced software. Our comprehensive data analyses allow rapid structural evaluation to enhance emergency management and business continuity.

Structural Health Monitoring
By providing basic information about the robustness, characteristics and general behavior of structures, we can ensure that managers and building owners make accurate and reliable decisions about the operability, availability and maintenance. Read MoreSensor Technology and Data Acquisition
Optical strands, which are made of braided fiberoptic, are used to detect characteristic changes and deformations in the structure, and accelerometers are used for sensitive vibration analyses that allows damage detection and dynamic behavior estimation. Read MoreData Analysis
Digital signals (data) are obtained through either wired or wireless (LIRIS) systems and converted into information through advanced hardware, software systems and innovative mathematical and statistical algorithms Read MoreCorrect sensor selection and installation are not the only requirements for a successful Structural Health Monitoring System.
Sensor Solutions
First step in Structural Health Monitoring is accurate and precise measurements of the structure and its surroundings. We provide specialized solutions using cutting edge wired and wireless sensor alternatives. Read More7/24 Monitoring and Analysis
The measurement of vibration and deformation changes in structures allows the detection of changes in structural dynamic properties. We measure structural vibration and deformation in real time and with high precision. Read More7/24 Damage Prediction and Detection
Real-time measurement of structural vibrations and deformations allows for assessment of structural damage and weaknesses and estimation of structural dynamic properties. We can detect structural damage and weaknesses in minutes after an earthquake. Read MoreSoftware Solutions
Strength of the Structural Health Monitoring solution depends on the technical capabilities of the algorithms that process data collected by monitoring systems. We offer software solutions based on cutting edge scientific studies in signal processing algorithms. Read MoreFor our customized solutions, contact us.